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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: mungofitch 🐝🐝 BRONZE
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Number: of 12790 
Subject: Re: Brk news
Date: 06/30/2023 12:42 PM
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"Do other insurance companies regularly publish the investment records of their portfolios broken down by manager?
Same question for closed end funds?"
Warren disclosed Lou Simpson's record even pointing out in a very small font in an annual report that Lou's record was better than his.

Not really answering the question.
Other than to point out that Berkshire has been more forthcoming than others.
Just not as forthcoming as you would like.
(as an aside, the answer to both my questions is definitely "no")

Though disclosure of manager-level portfolio performance is debatable, there are certainly lots of things that I would love to know about Berkshire's
performance that are kept confidential for very good reasons...the confidentiality maximizes the value to shareholders.
As a random example, the gross margin level at Netjets is in effect a trade secret, and I'm fine with that because it's for a good reason.
It is wildly inaccurate to suppose that more disclosure is always better.
As I am comfortable with the risk parameters, I would rather have a slightly better return and a pinch more ignorance of the mechanics than the reverse.

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