No. of Recommendations: 2
I was checking in on the Price to Peak Book ratio and found this thread.
Here are my book value calculation numbers for the last quarter:
Equivalent Class A common stock basis, there were 1,445,546 shares outstanding as of Sept. 30, 2023
Berkshire Hathaway shareholders' equity 525,330 million.
Book value per A share: $363,413
Book value per B share: $242.3
This is less than the book value of $372,966 per A share, $248.64 per B share that hiphop calculated for Quarter 2 and which he reported as the current Peak Book in the OP. Both are higher than seen in the data reported by longtimebrk here: there is a missing couple quarters of data, so I'm trusting hip hop has the right data when he says it's the peak book.
Current price per B share: $360.85
Current Price to Peak Book: $360.85/$248.64 = 1.45
Valuation a little worse than average I guess, but not so richly valued for me to think about selling any, not generally something I consider.