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Author: Umm 🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Psychotic
Date: 06/02/2024 1:11 AM
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"And Bragg kept his campaign promise."

I know you are a cultist, but most real Americans believe in rule of law and that people should pay for crimes they commit.

I know you think rule of law means when nutters and cultists at a rally chant "lock her up" and whatever other stuff Fox news feeds you, but in the real world rule of law means investigating a crime to develop evidence, using that evidence to convince a grand jury that a person should be indicted, presenting that evidence in a court of law where it is subject to counterarguments and special evidentiary rules developed over hundreds of years to convince a jury of peers that the person was guilty and subjecting all of the process to appeals to make sure the defendant maintains his rights.

It isn't just about Alvin Bragg keeping a campaign promise. That just shows ignorance of how the judicial system works.

Sorry that your cult leader turned out to be a criminal who likes to brag about raping women and regularly cheats other people. Perhaps you should pick better role models, one's that don't constantly make you look like an idiot.

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