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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: LongTermBRK 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: RW, Just Hold the Gdamn stock,
Date: 09/23/2024 12:53 PM
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Buffett doesn't care what the tech companies do to pump their stocks.

Over 40+ years Berkshire owners have become far wealthier thanks to Buffett's policy of retaining $1 dollars and investing on our behalf rather than distributing that cash-- and subjecting us to mandatory 30% or so state plus federal annual tax bills. Deferring that bill and investing a 30% higher balance on our behalf is a large source of our present wealth.

I consider myself a pretty good investor--but the idea of subjecting me to a contest where Buffett gets a 30% head start? I don't want that. That's the game we play taking distributed cash from a legendary INVESTOR not a social media CEO. I don't get the comparison at all.

Instead, I choose when I want a dividend., I deferred that personally for 20+ years--now I get to do it when it makes most sense to do so, via stock sales as BUFFETT recommends. In lumpy fashion on MY terms.

I've read your comments over the years, and you always seem to think you know more about this company than Buffett does. Do you see how this policy obviously HAS generated substantially more wealth creation? Does that matter? Or should Buffett follow the lead of Mark Zuckerberg?
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