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Author: dealraker 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Operating Ratio is all that counts in railroading_
Date: 01/26/2024 9:49 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 4
Maybe not:


And I do believe CSX was out and about with "We were understaffed and we lost business." HH was a good thing but good things go too far almost always to where they are bad.

In the long run BNSF will very likely have the best model given the superb management we have at Berkshire.
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Author: Uwharrie   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Operating Ratio is all that counts in railroading_
Date: 01/26/2024 10:14 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 9
This link discusses the downside of Precision Scheduled Railroading. Berkshire has invested in BNSF's infrastructure to increase capacity (double stacked train heights).


The drought is significantly reducing shipping via the Panama Canal for Asia to East Coast USA ports. It would be logical to expect an increased portion of East Coast bound cargo from Asia to be delivered to West Coast ports and shipped via rail to the East Coast. This has got to be good for BNSF.

I listened to a speaker yesterday that said the world is experiencing a major loss of available cargo ships because of the Suez Canal attacks situation causing the much longer around the Horn of Africa to be taken. The route's extra transit days is creating a supply chain mess for all concerned.

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