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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: The cancelled appearance mystery
Date: 10/18/2024 9:58 AM
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As a non-Sheeple who is allowed to call them like I see them, I readily admit that there's been many moments that show a mental decline in Trump.

And cancelling interviews certainly lends credence to it *unless* someone internally has reason to believe that they're on their way to squeaking out a win, in which case don't take chances. Though I just can't imagine Trump has anyone that skilled on the team.


I've only watched 1/4 of the Al Smith dinner and man - he is clear, funny, I don't see any problems. I guess this mental stuff goes in and out.

On a side note I'm glad that Harris isn't there. The angry-chip-on-shoulder 24/7 attitude and speaking manner doesn't suit for humor. ALSO I'm gad that a tradition of both candidates needling each other in a friendly way - DID NOT HAPPEN.

One more step in you people becoming less American and more tribal.

:)Again, "it's all happening"
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