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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: Re: OT, out
Date: 03/17/2025 5:08 PM
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thanks much on your detailed reasons.
its amazing what exposure to countries and cultures can do. priorities shift even for hard core capitalists.
personally, i went from ~50% american equites to ~30% after the election, and now have to reckon with leaving longtime value and GARP managers who have managed risk&reward well.

coincidentally today, one of my favorite curmudgeons also had an equity exit reveal along the same lines.
(martin is 'old man yells at cloud' of the finance world)

disturbing sidenotes to your buffet note and FT link :
- if someone of warren's wealth, reputation, and AGE fears speaking out against catastrophe, i really have to ask what's the point. will be researching predictions of how badly america is expected to drop in the economic freedom index.

- casual poll of CEOs indicated they would not consider speaking out against trump actions until ~30% mkt drop. even at that, i suspect rather a lot of timidity. consider the sheer magnitude of wealth destruction.

at the very other end are low income MAGA voters, and they have more to lose than they think (like healthcare). but with no ability to attribute responsibility , they are identity-tied and clearly in it for the ride all the way down. this is of the most lasting consequence, as on any given day trump could cancel tariffs, or expire himself.
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