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Author: Andromeda   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Investing with an eye on rising authoritarianism
Date: 07/19/2024 6:32 AM
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^^Try to teach a pig to sing. I am pretty sure the pig will remain ignorant of the intricacies of tone^^

I believe that almost everyone is extremely capable of learning, and the restraint isn't so much the brain in an isolated context immune to the forces of their environment, but rather the problem is the collective restraints (our environment) which the person is completely unaware of.

Have you ever tried explaining something to someone who seems stuck in their own way of thinking? It can be frustrating!

I think our understanding of the world is shaped by where we live and the information we consume. Most people in the West haven't lived in countries like China or Iran for extended periods. Imagine if they did - I mean 3 years at least in each – their views on those places, and even their own countries, would be very different.

A short visit is nice, but it takes time to truly understand a culture. Living there, reading their news, and experiencing everyday life provides a richer perspective.

This doesn't mean people with limited experience can't have opinions. However, a healthy dose of skepticism and a willingness to seek out primary sources, like translated primary sources (such as complete speeches rather than sound bytes followed by interpretations), can be very helpful. Unfortunately, accessing these sources can be difficult due to our self censorship or simply the inconvenience of accessing.

The main takeaway? Our viewpoints are shaped by our environment. Being aware of this and actively seeking diverse perspectives can lead to a more nuanced understanding of the world.
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