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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: New sanctions on Russia
Date: 03/13/2025 11:30 PM
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But, in fact, the Reps have been screaming about supporting Ukraine for a couple of years now. And Biden did it anyway, even authorizing use of longer-range weapons into Russian/Soviet territory.

Now who’s pivoting. You’re forgetting that Trump was the guy who first gave Javelins to the Ukrainians.

The Felon is rolling-

This statement isn’t accurate, and no matter how many times you repeat it it still won’t be.

Because: 1) that's not what I said, and 2) it doesn't require "indefinitely". It just requires "long enough", which they absolutely can do so long as they get materiel.

“Long enough”? They need dudes. More guns. All of it. Putin has Norks willing to crawl through pipelines and die of methane poisoning.

goal. This war is no longer of that style. It's closer to 'Nam.

It most certainly does not. Vietnam featured hit and run guerrilla warfare until the North’s invasion at the end. This resembles more of World War I with a war of attrition along a fixed set of front lines.

Your historical analogy is wrong, and so therefore is your analysis.
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