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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: ActBlue, on its last legs?
Date: 03/12/2025 2:00 PM
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Listening to a Republican talking about money laundering is just so gobstoppingly pathetic.

This Biden voter was convinced to go Trump - so I guess I' ma Republican again.

I'm not complaining about money laundering I'M CELEBRATING IT! I love that Dems do it, and Sheeple can just say "what about repubs" because that means that to all the Trump laundering ---I can say "what about Dems"?

And - the checkmate - Shapeless shit laws get trampled on, and the bullshit Democracy that Sheeple *pretends* to advocate for - is dented yet again.

I can only hope that Putin, MBS, and others are doing whatever they need to do money wise.

Kushner? I think he might be too smart to piss away all he's ripping Sheeple off for but then again, who the hell is gonna investigate him? IRS agents don't have time to find the Coke Machine now :):):):)

BAAAAAAA go Republicans and launder! Go Dems and Launder!

Tribalism - will allow more of this.

Sheeple punished again.

Leader loving it - again
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