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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41486 
Subject: Re: Make her president now
Date: 11/04/2024 2:59 PM
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There's no need to have Harris in that role rather than Biden.

I agree.

One other note worth mentioning. The concern may be rising that this 2024 post-election period won't be the first rodeo for those that would like to thwart the outcome if it doesn't go Trump's way. The fear is that the, ahem, "brains" of the MAGA forces have had four years to devise their strategy for using local election officials and the courts to generate chaos and try to produce opportunities to interfere with the actual process. And it will be a second chance for the, ahem, "brawn" of the MAGA forces to attempt to do their thing at the appropriate time when directed by the, ahem, "brains." Or do do whatever they want with no one's command.

All of that may very well be true...

But this post-2024 election period won't be the first rodeo for a lot of other forces involved either, including the current President (and upcoming President in this scenario) and police forces all over the country. Those offices might have had legitimate uncertainty about the intent of participants who rallied at the Ellipse or showed up on the Capital steps or even broke a few windows in 2021. That uncertainty may have convinced those officials to err on the side of caution and leniency, not wanting to be the ones who "panicked" and opened fire, Kent State style, on "innocent civilians."

There won't be any benefit of the doubt this time. If protesters show up on the Capital steps at any point between November 6, 2024 and January 6, 2025 in large numbers dressed in camo and wanna-be tactical gear, no officer will bat an eye at taking them out the minute they threaten an officer or breach a federal building. That still offers a wide berth of acts of protest those so inclined can perform but anything trending towards violence will likely be squelched IMMEDIATELY, with 100% justification.

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