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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: ActBlue, on its last legs?
Date: 03/12/2025 5:21 PM
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But coming from the Federalist Society Ahhh, the Poison the Well logical fallacy.

They've done this to thousands of people and in fact there are 19 states looking into them right now.


But no actual proof of anything, you'll say. Fine.

A judge found the identity fraud case compelling enough to subpoena Act Blue:
For the first time, a Wisconsin court has approved a subpoena to the massive Democrat fund-raising platform ActBlue, saying it owes an explanation to a Republican whose email identity was used to make liberal donations he did not authorize.

“Something is not right,” Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Brad D. Schimel declared as he approved a limited demand for documents and opened a new front into a widening fund-raising probe begun earlier this year by Congress and 19 attorneys general.

Schimel rejected ActBlue’s arguments that it was onerous to require it to comply a subpoena for third-party donations it processed on its platform. The judge permitted GOP consultant Mark Block and his lawyers from America First Policy Institute to conduct discovery to determine if fraud was involved in the use of his identity to make dozens of Democrat donations on his old email address.

Let's look at who is giving Act Blue money and see if this passes the smell test.


Smurfing – Part 3 shows a gentleman in Michigan making 41,842 contributions to political organizations, PACS and/or campaigns. Note the derivatives of the spelling of his name, address, zip code, and occupation status. The Gibson Group of Maryland and Election Watch, Inc. out of Wisconsin continue to expose a national money laundering scheme to political campaigns. Per the Federal Election Commission website, the average number of political donations for an individual is 1.4 per year. Here just one individual is making (or someone is doing it for him) 14.3 per day 365 days per year for more than 7 years.

I guess it's plausible for somebody to make 14 donations a day for 7 years straight, but I kinda doubt it.

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