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Author: Carpian   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: What a Bunch of Bedwetters
Date: 07/07/2024 1:12 AM
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I just want a president who cares about my safety and my pocketbook.

How could you feel safer with a President who is an aging, impulsive, divisive, self-serving megalomaniac with his finger on The Button in a world that is already treading perilously close to WWIII?

How would you feel that (again) an impulsive, divisive, self-serving megalomaniac who is a convicted felon (with more serious charges pending), lies constantly, had six businesses go bankrupt, had his charity shut down for fraud, had his university shut down for fraud, and on and on...would be better for the economy than a Democratic candidate who has had a pretty darn good economy? (although a bit of a hangover from Covid and rising fuel prices following the Russia invasion of Ukraine--but those would have hampered anyone)

Do you really think that Trump cares anything about your safety and pocketbook, beyond saying what he thinks will get him elected so he can be famous and powerful? Do you really think he cares about anything beyond himself?

Do you really have no concerns beyond what you perceive as your safety and your pocketbook? You don't care about the environment--the air that you (and others) breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, climate change? You don't care about foreign relations with the other countries that we share this earth with? You don't care about passing on a world to future generations that is better than what we inherited from our parents, who worked so hard to pass on a good world to us? Do you not care about having a leader who ignores mainstream science when it doesn't give the conclusions that he wants it to? Do you not care about having a leader who is trying to systematically dismantle our democracy? Do you not care about having a leader who uses continuous inflammatory rhetoric and calls his opponents childish names, like a bully? You don't care about having a leader with some sort of moral compass?
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