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Author: oddhack 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: o/t, rational walk, since you are no longer
Date: 08/12/2024 2:10 AM
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Whatever the offending situation is, just take a break from it. Naturally and inevitably you will cool down over time. You can then choose to return, or not. Either way, there is nothing to be gained by a public announcement.

I found public announcements of people leaving Xitter to be very useful, because they were coming from people I respected and was interested in hearing from. They also served as a frequent reminder that the site had, in fact, become a Nazi Bar awash in every type of far-right disinformation, lies, and manipulation possible, fully supported by the site's owner. I was glad to finally leave permanently after seeing too many people I respected do the same. The Fediverse is far better.
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