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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41582 
Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
Date: 10/06/2024 1:17 PM
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One outlier does not make a trend.

And "plant more trees" is a distraction. Sure, it will help. But most CO2 is swept up by the oceans. At least that which is swept-up. And, as it happens, most O2 is released by the oceans. Also, as it happens, we are clear-cutting millions of acres of trees every year. Sort of the opposite of planting.

Then there are the forest fires resulting from dry conditions brought on -at least in part- by climate change.

The cost of cattle isn't just emitted methane. It has all sorts of effects which would have to be factored into the "final cost".

Being aware doesn't equal advocating. I'm aware of all this. I don't advocate getting rid of cattle. I also am aware that, especially in poorer regions, bugs are going to be a protein source. In some places, it already is. I saw frozen "mang da na" in an Asian market a while back. (It's Thai for "roach".)
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