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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Harris Wins
Date: 09/11/2024 5:00 PM
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I wouldn’t. Harris is 1) inexperienced 2) incompetent and 3) incapable of thinking on her feet.

1) She's been in the federal government for 8 years, four years of which as VP - more experience than most first-time Presidents.

2) She seems to have learned a great deal while serving as Veep - her recent performance in moving from running mate to managing the pressure-cooker of an unprecedented shift at the top of the ticket shows a very high level of competence.

3) I would have thought last night would have disabused you of that. The expectation that GOP-leaners had fostered was that Harris was incapable of handling unscripted events. Then she went out and wiped the floor with Trump, goading him into traps while adeptly managing both the questions lobbed at her and his attacks. She's clearly capable of thinking on her feet - as any person who has had a career as a prosecutor would have to. She's a good debater.

Trump’s personality traits work in an environment where he can be supported by people who play The Good Cop versus his Bad Cop, not unlike how Nixon and Henry Kissinger used to work together.

No, they don't. His personality traits make it easy to manipulate him to get the desired response. He doesn't like to inform himself of details, he always defaults to denying unpleasant truths and counterattacking against any slight, and he is supremely (perhaps narcissistically) confident in his own abilities above those of anyone around him. That makes him very predictable and easy to put in a box.

If someone always needs to be perceived as strong, and is unwilling to do anything that makes it seem like he's backing down or looking weak, then that's easy to exploit. That person will do anything - anything - to avoid being put in a position where he has to appear weak. So give him scenarios where the response you want is the one that makes him look strong, and the one you don't want makes him look weak, and boom - he does what you want. Harris exploited that mercilessly last night, and he just couldn't stop.
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