No. of Recommendations: 1
No - your expectations were nearly one...who follows politics believes that Harris is good on-her-feet thinker. I'm sorry, but no one does.
We know that because we have lots of film on her rambling about yellow buses and Venn diagrams. To her credit, she managed not to look like a goof last night by avoiding rambling.
Most everyone else recognized that Harris had a pretty decent record in Presidential debates, generally regarded as having performed will in all her primary debates and was generally considered the winner of her debate with Pence (second to the fly, of course).You're kidding with this, right? That's the sound of a candidacy being destroyed in about 48 seconds.
She wanted to position Trump as an incumbent with a record of his own, and run against that. And yet, that's not what she did. She goaded him into talking about rallies and what not and got him to spend time whinging away at that instead of hammering home the points he wanted to make.
But what *didn't* she do?
She didn't say anything concrete last night. Not a winning strategy when you're trying to present your self as a Fresh Faced Unknown Candidate.
Obama pulled that off; Harris won't be able to.