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Author: FlyingCircus 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: Red Signals
Date: 08/10/2024 12:16 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 11
Well, the manipulation / shenanigans of the last 6 market days flipped most of my signals to bearish. The increasing velocity of changes in the last month is giving me pause. As in, there was no indication that the market owners were about to crash-end the Yen carry trade (what?) and throw the levers over to buy Treasuries although "top warnings" were in place for a few weeks.

Now, with a nearly fully red board, in these fast herd-driven markets I'm not at all sure whether a -11 switch in 1 week is an all in short term contrarian buy because the panic will be over in a month, or whether it's a solid short because it's going to keep drifting down for awhile. It's all FOMO. I'm only 30% in stocks left anyway, pulled more out of large cap growth this week temporarily, so I'm playing defense... the time to go leveraged short was 3 weeks ago as new highs were hit with weak breadth... again... in hindsight. It's time to be safe, without bottom signals firing - right? Who knows!

Intermediate-Term		       BEARS/TOP BULLS/BOTTOM	AS OF

BearCatcher Nasdaq NH/NL Bear 5/30/24
BearCatcher SMA Slope, S&P 500 Bull 11/10/23
BearCatcher Dying Bullish Euphoria Bull 12/14/23
BC Summary The Key 1 2
Momentum, Int 26W / 52W Bull 11/10/23
Momentum, Int # 26 week highs 7/26/24
Momentum, Int DMI Bear 8/9/24
Momentum, Int 10/50 Crossover Bear 8/2/24
Momentum, Int PPO Weekly Bear 7/19
Breadth, mt PAMA Naz 50 Bear 8/2
Breadth, mt Breadth Confirms Bear 8/1
Breadth, mt Naz Bullish % Bear 8/2
Breadth, mt S&P PAMA 200 Bear 7/11/24
Breadth Thrust Breadth Thrust Watch
Correction Mode >7% off last peak Bear 8/2/24
Timing, Seasonal MACD on RUT Bear 4/26/24
Interest Rates Corporate Bond Index Bull 7/12/24

Short Term Top Warning 5
Momentum, ST PPO Daily Bear 7/19/24
Breadth, st SP600 PAMA20 Bear 7/12
Breadth, st PAMA5D %OFF 21dh Bear 8/9/24
Top, st PAMA Divergence Highs Bear 6/5/24
Top PAA Count 7/19/24
Top, breadth, ST Trigger Security Bear 7/10/24
Top Recent Simple Top 7/9/24
Top Primary-Tech Divergence
Bottom Extreme PAMA low Off 8/6/24

Leverage, Macro Margin Debt to GDP 9/1/22
Sjuggerud Bull 3/24
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