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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: weaselboy2   😊 😞
Number: of 12537 
Subject: OT Posts-My Two Cents
Date: 08/27/2024 11:07 AM
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My (limited) involvement with the Berkshire boards goes back to around 1995-1996, back when it was only in the AOL message board system (before they migrated over to fool.com.)

I have to say that while I understand when people get annoyed when others stray too far off-topic, I also more often than not have enjoyed discussions of non-Berkshire things, maybe because Berkshire owners & followers tend to be the most curious and interesting people I've met in life. I've also been led to investigate MANY other companies that people have talked about here that have made me a lot of money.

I can honestly say that I've at least seen every single post going back to 1995. Maybe not read, but at least seen. I've found that I'm pretty good at taking a quick look at every post and determining almost instantaneously whether I want to read it or not. Bottom line is that I really don't mind thoughtful off-topic posts as long as they aren't posted by trolls, and we all know how to deal with the trolls.


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