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Author: EchotaSheeple   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Just saw Biden's Carter Eulogy
Date: 01/09/2025 4:15 PM
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I usually watch these things in segments via CSPAN slash YouTube. I don't want chitons, blabbermouths, or Instagram-Twitter-Chipotle raised talking heads telling us what they think - when they truly have no idea. I'll get to my favorite part later -- watching all the entrances, exits, and all in between between the Presidents, VPs, First Ladies, etc etc - I love watching the dialogue, the eye contact, the lack of all of the above, the chumminess, etc.

But for now. One good man eulogized another good man.

I really loved President Biden's speech. I think it's heartfelt, I think Biden believed it, and it was about CARTER, he didn't make it about himself.

One more part of "back in my day" - has now passed on.

I see the men - the Bush's, the Gore, the Pence, whatever - people I grew up watching, loving the political campaigns, etc. And I"m just humbled as to how those men, and their words and campaigns were larger than life when they were happening. How we hung on every word or controversy. Yet now - there they are. Older . Grayer. Slower.

We all go.

And the world doesn't give a shit and keeps on going.

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