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Author: Banksy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Another Red State Massacre...
Date: 09/05/2024 2:13 PM
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"Republicans were so busy protecting children from learning that Rosa Parks was black that they forgot to protect them from being murdered in their classrooms." ~JEFF TIEDRICH

In 2022, Brian Kemp, the Governor of Georgia, signed Senate Bill 312, which allows anyone to walk into a gun store in Georgia,
buy a gun, and go anywhere they want with it, no training needed, no permit necessary, no questions asked. Sounds pretty "well regulated" amirite?? Facepalm...

What could go wrong?

13 mass shootings in Georgia in the first eight months of 2024. They couldn't even make it through one day of school without a mass shooting.

Murder rates in red states are 33% higher than in blue states.
Contributing factors:
Higher gun ownership rates in red states.
Less restrictive gun laws: Red states often have more permissive gun laws, making it easier to acquire and carry firearms.
Blue states are more likely to have bans or restrictions on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. Red states generally do not have such restrictions.
Higher poverty rates in red states, Lower educational attainment in red states.
Underinvestment in social services and policing: Despite rhetoric about being "tough on crime," red states often spend less per capita on both
social services and law enforcement compared to blue states.

"This is your heartless Republican Party, folks. They’ll force a ten-year-old to give birth to her stepfather’s rape-baby, but they won’t do one single thing to
keep children from getting shot to death in their schoolrooms." ~JEFF TIEDRICH
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Author: Banksy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Another Red State Massacre...
Date: 09/08/2024 10:19 AM
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Republicans were so busy protecting people from having access to healthcare that they forgot to protect them from being murdered on their highways.

Authorities search for shooter along I-75 in Kentucky with up to 7 people shot...
"When our first two units got to the scene there,
it was a madhouse: people on the sides of the road, emergency flashers going, bullet holes, windows shot out, nine vehicles shot. Can you imagine that? Just chaotic."

Kentucky has some of the most permissive gun laws in the United States.
State law preempts local governments from regulating firearms.
No permit or license is required to purchase or possess firearms in Kentucky. There is no registration requirement for firearms.
There are no restrictions on assault weapons or magazine capacity. Machine guns are legal.
Sounds "well regulated" amirite?? Facepalm...

What could go wrong?

826 people die from gun violence in Kentucky each year.

Murder rates in red states are 33% higher than in blue states. Contributing factors:
Higher gun ownership rates in red states.
Less restrictive gun laws: Red states often have more permissive gun laws, making it easier to acquire and carry firearms.
Blue states are more likely to have bans or restrictions on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. Red states generally do not have such restrictions.
Higher poverty rates in red states, Lower educational attainment in red states.
Underinvestment in social services and policing: Despite rhetoric about being "tough on crime," red states often spend less per capita on both
social services and law enforcement compared to blue states.

"This is your heartless Republican Party, folks. They’ll force a ten-year-old to give birth to her stepfather’s rape-baby, but they won’t do one single thing to
keep children from getting shot to death in their schoolrooms." ~JEFF TIEDRICH

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Author: EchotaSheeple   😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Another Red State Massacre...
Date: 09/08/2024 10:36 AM
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The fact that dead people and murder is instant politics - makes me so happy.

It means you as Americas are indeed - trivialized as I predicted and went on to wish for. You people are political no matter what.

Now, what we need is the Blue City citizens who kill each other every day, that White Liberals turn a blind eye to....to wake up a bit.

Detroit needs to visit Bloomfield Hills.

Chicago projects need to have shuttles going to Lakeshore Drive.

Sister Souljah - I apologize.

I'm with you.
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Author: Banksy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Another Red State Massacre...
Date: 09/09/2024 8:51 AM
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Imagine having to live with the horrible effects of republican policies?

"Central Kentucky children told to stay home from school as I-75 shooting suspect evades capture for third day."

"Law enforcement are warning the community to stay vigilant for any signs of him and take steps to keep their homes safe.
You need to lock your doors. If you have security cameras, make sure you’re constantly watching them, maybe keep your porch lights on.
Have your cell phone and make sure your phones are charged up because you never know when you might have to contact somebody or law enforcement."

Can you imagine having to live like this? And it gets worse...

Blue States have higher Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita than red states.

Folks in Blue States are better educated...
"Blue states outpace red states by 5.3 percentage points in 4-year college degree attainment."
"All of the top 15 most college-educated states are blue, while only 3 of the bottom 15 are blue."

And Folks in Blue States live longer...
"A growing mortality gap between Republican and Democratic areas may largely stem from policy choices."
"People in Republican Counties Have Higher Death Rates Than Those in Democratic Counties."

Blue states are less dependent on federal government assistance. States with higher per capita GDP (often blue states) are less reliant on federal funding.
I.E. Blue states contribute more in federal taxes than they receive back in federal spending, effectively subsidizing red states. (Liberals financially supporting MAGAs)

Blue states have lower rates of poverty compared to red states.

Blue states often invest more in infrastructure, leading to better roads and public transportation systems.

Blue states have expanded Medicaid coverage (Obamacare) and implemented policies to increase healthcare access.

Murder rates are consistently higher in red states compared to blue states. Murder rates in red states were 33% higher than in blue states.
Contributing factors: Higher gun ownership rates in red states, Higher poverty rates in red states, Lower educational attainment in red states

Imagine having to live with the horrible effects of republican policies?
No wonder our MAGA friends are so angry, if I lived in a red state I'd be angry as well. #uneducated,poor,more-likely-to-be-shot,no-healthcare,poor-infrastructure,no-freedom-if-you're-a-woman,MAGA

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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Another Red State Massacre...
Date: 09/09/2024 9:08 AM
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No wonder our MAGA friends are so angry, if I lived in a red state I'd be angry as well. #uneducated,poor,more-likely-to-be-shot,no-healthcare,poor-infrastructure,no-freedom-if-you're-a-woman,MAGA

And because of the electoral college, the red states may again get to elect the most unqualified candidate in US history. What a country.
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Author: Banksy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Another Red State Massacre...
Date: 09/22/2024 8:51 PM
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4 dead and 17 injured after gunfire erupts at popular nightlife area in Birmingham, Alabama.

"Republicans were so busy protecting people from having access to healthcare (Obamacare) that they forgot to protect them from being murdered." ~JEFF TIEDRICH

In Alabama No permit or license is required to purchase or own firearms. No training is necessary.
There is no firearm registration requirement.
The state does not restrict "assault weapons" or impose magazine capacity limits.
Open carry of firearms is legal without a permit. State law preempts local gun regulations.
There are no restrictions on NFA items like short-barreled rifles.
Sounds pretty "well regulated" amirite?? Facepalm...

What could go wrong?
Alabama has the fourth-highest gun death rate among U.S. states. In an average year, 1,175 people die from gun violence in Alabama.

Murder rates in red states are 33% higher than in blue states.
Contributing factors:
Higher gun ownership rates in red states. Less restrictive gun laws: Red states often have more permissive gun laws, making it easier to acquire and carry firearms.
Blue states are more likely to have bans or restrictions on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. Red states generally do not have such restrictions.
Higher poverty rates in red states, Lower educational attainment in red states.
Underinvestment in social services and policing: Despite rhetoric about being "tough on crime," red states often spend less per capita on both
social services and law enforcement compared to blue states.

"This is your heartless/brainless Republican Party, folks. They’ll force a ten-year-old to give birth to her stepfather’s rape-baby, but they won’t do one single thing to
keep children from getting shot to death in their schoolrooms." ~JEFF TIEDRICH


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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41626 
Subject: Re: Another Red State Massacre...
Date: 09/22/2024 9:49 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 15
"This is your heartless/brainless Republican Party, folks. They’ll force a ten-year-old to give birth to her stepfather’s rape-baby, but they won’t do one single thing to keep children from getting shot to death in their schoolrooms."


In the grand tradition of piling on...

Josh Hawley is running an ad online for his re-election bid for US Senator in Missouri aimed at showing how he is out to protect the women of Missouri.


It features Riley Gaines, a swimmer on the University of Kentucky's team who, at one point, competed against a trans-gender athlete who went on to win the larger meet and "take away" the medal from a woman who deserved to win it. Her ad itemizes all the horrible "gross" things the Democratic candidate is for (hint, he's not for those things) then she says "But Josh Hawley defends the rights of women."

Okay, stop right there.

Per the NCAA's own web site, as of March 2023, there were 226,212 women playing collegiate sports. It is probably impossible to get exact statistics at this point but I would imagine there are less than ten trans-gender, switching from male to female, athletes across the entire country in college sports. From a purely mathematical perspective, if one thinks that is some sort of injustice to the women competing in one of those matchups, that's a pretty low occurance rate of injustice. That's 10/226,212 or a 0.0000442 rate or 0.004 percent rate.

On the other hand, if Missouri women are typical of the entire country, 46.8 percent of them will opt to not have children, which means 53.2% of women will have at least one child in their lifetime. That means 53.2 percent of Missouri women currently face DRASTICALLY higher risks during pregnancy due to the draconian abortion ban that has instilled fear into ob/gyns for providing appropriate care even for wanted pregnacies that encounter complications. These are risks to their LIFE, not a mere frustration over not getting to nationals or getting a chance at being a pro swimmer after college. (<---- subtle sarcasm there)

What is Josh Hawley doing for those women? Nothing. He supports Missouri's abortion ban. His wife Erin Hawley is one of the leading attorneys in the country not only fighting abortion but now fighting to ban abortion drugs like mifepristone nationwide.

"But Josh Hawley defends the rights of women."

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