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Author: lizgdal   😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: Re: A New High Price Screen
Date: 07/27/2024 5:39 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 5
this is basically (skewed) as a Berkshire (A class) , NVR ( They are a conservative Homebuilding/Real Estate Company) screen. Those 2 are the longest running stocks without a split

The OP screen {HighPrice2024a} has a Berkshire bias, but this does not explain the recent outperformance. Berkshire outperformed the market until 2002, but only matched market performance after 2002. {HighPrice2024a} could be modified to drop the highest priced stock, but I prefer to keep BRK-A in the screen going forward.

      Screen       CAGR  GSD  MDD  Sharpe    From       To
HighPrice2024a 16 27 -59 0.52 19870302 20020628
HighestPrice 21 27 -49 0.71 19870302 20020628
BRK-A 21 27 -49 0.71 19870302 20020628
SP500MktCapWeight 11 17 -35 0.44 19870302 20020628

HighPrice2024a 18 22 -54 0.88 20020628 20240725
HighestPrice 11 19 -51 0.59 20020628 20240725
BRK-A 11 19 -51 0.59 20020628 20240725
SP500MktCapWeight 10 18 -54 0.60 20020628 20240725


Some screens benefit from dropping the top pick. For example:
Mega-Cap Screen "Notice how the Top-1 pick appears to be a significant under-performer."

NVR's price went above $200 in 2001, and NVR greatly outperformed the market since, with a CAGR of 19% from 20010725 to 20240725. {HighPrice2024a} CAGR was 17% over these 23 years, and so NVR boosted the screen's performance but was not the only winner in the screen. Dropping the top 2 highest prices, {HighPrice2024a_drop2} CAGR was 16. SPY CAGR was 9%.


The stock price needed to pass {HighPrice2024a}:

Limit    Date    NVR
200 20000308 44
100 20001114 102
100 20010503 185
100 20040402 451
100 20050429 718
100 20081007 539
100 20090310 363
200 20110201 772
300 20111221 676
350 20150122 1280
400 20150427 1339
500 20170515 2235
600 20190212 2691
700 20190611 3371
800 20200727 3912
1000 20200803 3874
1200 20201228 4157
1400 20210706 5186

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