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Author: Alias   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/09/2023 8:45 AM
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Havnt had a chance to listen to it yet

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Author: Alias   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/09/2023 10:26 AM
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listen to it. Not really worth it
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Author: nola622 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/09/2023 11:02 AM
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listen to it. Not really worth it

Not sure what you are trying to say here, but in my opinion it is totally worth it to listen to this interview with Todd all the way through. Skip the ads obviously.
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Author: CrankyCharlie   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/09/2023 11:40 AM
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He gives you nothing

All fluff
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Author: shaun1776   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/09/2023 2:00 PM
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Thank you for posting the link. This group regularly finds information in places I wouldn't look.

I found the interview valuable. It gave me a good overview of Todd Combs's work history. He has a long history working with and around excellent investors and businessmen. That he succeeded in many different situations is impressive. It's clear Buffett respects his work at Berkshire.

Things will change when Buffett departs but the team that will carry on has a lot of strength. I hope the decentralized structure will be maintained and there won't be fighting over control.

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Author: WEBspired 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/09/2023 2:42 PM
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'I found the interview valuable. It gave me a good overview of Todd Combs's work history. He has a long history working with and around excellent investors and businessmen. That he succeeded in many different situations is impressive. It's clear Buffett respects his work at Berkshire.'

Agree. I feel as though hearing these podcasts makes Todd more real. He seems like the type of guy you could enjoy dinner and drinks and nerd out talking investing and business, but he's also a Renaissance man. I think his unique professional journey, gifted rational mind, honest/ethical nature & incredible work ethic will serve us/Berkshire well when he manages enormous assets.

Buffett and Munger are not easily impressed- if they are huge fans of Todd (and Ted) and these two pass Their screen over a decade, that is good enough for me! We will be in wise and experienced hands imo. T&T seem to be able to 'be themselves' and are not 'yes men' but respect WEB & CTM & the established culture within BRK.
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Author: nola622 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/10/2023 12:50 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 29
He gives you nothing

All fluff

So a super important figure for the future of Berkshire who we previously knew very little about shares his (professional) life story and it's of no interest?

All kinds of detail on how he made it to a point intellectually and professionally that he was able to impress both Charlie and Warren - not normal. New color that Todd, Ted and Warren look at over 200 potential acquisitions for Berkshire a year. New color on what he actually did at Progressive and other insurance related work that would qualify him to run GEICO, one of Berkshire's most important subsidiaries. New color on the deep relationships he already had with some of the best investors, CEOs and analysts in the FIG space. Details of several conversations he's had with both Warren and Charlie about a range of topics including whether PGR was better than GEICO, whether Mastercard was a better investment than AXP, risk assessment, etc. And a Michael Lewis story to boot...

Like I said before, this is a useful interview to learn about Todd Combs, who is an extremely important person for the future of Berkshire Hathaway. Just skip the several minutes of advertising at the beginning.
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Author: Labadal   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/10/2023 1:36 PM
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He gives you nothing

All fluff

He gave a ton. What exactly were you looking for? Stock tips with buy and sell prices?
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Author: Blackswanny   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/15/2023 3:20 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 7
Only just got round to this.

5* interview. Fascinating insight on shorting and helping to identify compounders. Always invert! Can't convince Warren though haha.

Thanks for posting. Good insight into the man too.
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Author: Blackswanny   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/16/2023 3:05 AM
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Alias, I'm glad you didn't listen to it first. Perhaps you're after stock tips?

What I enjoy about such interviews are the qualitative aspects, insights, experience, upbringing etc and how this influences investing and world view. As a bonus it included insights into Charlie and Warren I'd not heard before despite reading several biographies about both.
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Author: Blackswanny   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Todd Combs - interview
Date: 10/16/2023 3:11 AM
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The one thing which I was hoping would be covered in detail was BRK the investment in Apple and the discussions that took place internally. Unfortunately not.
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