No. of Recommendations: 1
We like getting the food the locals eat when we travel. Te thing is, food in Mexico is very regional. They use what they have locally. It's kinda like BBQ in Texas means beef, in Carolina it's pork.
Oh man... back in the day turtle was not uncommon on menus. Grilled turtle steak, turtle soup... turtle egg torta. Then'they' or actually 'we' realized turltes couldn't sustain the pressure. Allll kinds of machaca, whatever was plentiful at the time.
Was your birria goat or beef? Birria is a Jalisco goat dish, but changes as one heads north so by the time you reach TJ it's more often beef.
My grandmother bought a piece of piece of beach property an hour north of Puerto Vallarta in Nayarit where panga fishermen worked off the Sayulita beach. There were some major homes on the point at the south end, but north of Punta Mita there was exactly one palapa restaurant with a few corona card tables and folding chairs. They sold fresh fried whole huachinango, papas fritas, beer and lime. Pull the meat off the fish, drop the bones on the sand for the dogs.
There was nothing else on the entire bay except coconut palms, that palapa, and the pangas. Now it's a flippin tourist city. Boom!