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Author: jetjockey787   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: Pilot and EVs
Date: 01/19/2024 5:32 PM
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Autos will drive themselves to a charger at night if an apartment dweller doesn't have good access to power.

😂 Not an appealing option at all! Good luck with that one in large urban centers like NY city. I could only imagine the chaos and what it will look like to see countless urban dwellers all rushing around the city late at night charging up for the next day, compounding the already heavy congestion in the streets. Extrapolate that distressing image with inclement weather.

Horseshoe raises an excellent point about those living in apartments, condos, urban villages…I’m too lazy to research the demographics but compared to single households in the burbs, what is the ratio of that number, compared to those living in multi-unit congested developments. That right there is going to dictate the true market demand and just how fast or slow EVs will be embraced and adopted in the future. It’s the buildout of the massive infrastructure and ease of recharge that will be the defining factor for most, not necessarily an aversion to the technology of an EV.
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