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Author: PhoolishPhilip 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Joe Biden sent the orders
Date: 07/17/2024 11:37 PM
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Sotomayor and Jackson in their dissents basically explained why. POTUS officially overseas the military. If he gave them an order, that's (by the SCOTUS) an official part of his job. Therefore, all information surrounding that action would be subject to immunity. So you couldn't even investigate that it was a misuse of his power.

Biden would never do that. I wouldn't put it past convict Trump.

Biden SHOULD do that to test the court. Trump potentially committed treason by acting to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. The court has given him immunity from prosecution for treasonous acts. The only way to defend the constitution is for Biden to issue an order for the military to arrest Trump and hold him in Guantanamo indefinitely. There would be no legal recourse, according to the Trump ruling, against such a patriotic abuse of power.
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