Subject: Re: Deja Vu all over again
No, I am saying it is lazy to blame it on lack of regulation.
My observation is the gun grabbers are simply for anything that moves the ball in the direction of ever increasing restrictions
No, this is just your fallback position - the one you use to fob everyone off. I chose what I consider an innocuous proposition, one that would offend the least, and promoted gun safety. A gun safe in every home. This, I proposed because kids will find your guns and pull the trigger. Promote gun safety, let people know a 2 year old can pull the trigger, and will. So we try and lower the accidental and negligence deaths. If it succeeds, we tout it.
We also need a better class of citizens, ones who actually understand and believe in Democracy for the most part. Can't hope for everyone. All a legislator can do is propose laws, so you see that. But we can't even agree on gun safety.