Subject: Re: Can't belive I did that
<<“It’s very tough to just, in Charlie’s words “hold the damn stock”. Few can do that.”

I’m pasting this quote above my desktop 🖥 where I’ll see it every time I logon to my accounts and get itchy fingers on the keyboard.

Hypocrite though I am, I have nevertheless finally set limit orders that may soon get filled for both my ROTH and 401k, after 26 years of sitting on my hands. Its been quite a ride.>>>

That’s very kind of you to say. You’re not a hypocrite, I do the very same thing. You sound like a kind and generous soul—you’ll be glad I help your economy…occasionally buying a new car or a TV (pocket the tax savings) or a few bottles of cheap untaxed booze in Nashua. Value investing is a lifestyle lol. Honored you’re saving the quote. Glad I could re-print a timeless Charlie classic,