They'd have their legal defense funds from partisans who wanted to stop you, and some of them might be represented by the union.
That's fine. Their knowledge still degrades by the day, and I still get what I want (which is them out of the job they want to do).
It's hard for government to fire people. It's one of the things that conservatives often complain about. It's very hard for government to fire people wrongfully in political retribution, which is what you want to do.
<Shit-eating grin>
Why, heaven forbid that I want to retaliate against a bunch of people who abused their positions to help out the democrats!
</Shit-eating grin>
So what?
So what? Their entire reason for being revolves around being able to peddle in privileged information. I take that away, they're reduced to speaking spots on MSNBC. Or for the less telegenic ones, driving a forklift for Home Depot. I'm good either way.
Did they do that?
They used weasel words "this laptop has all the earmarks of Russian Disinformation" inject fear, uncertainty and doubt into the political zeitgeist and spare Joe Biden from an embarrassing scandal that might have cost him the election.
So yes, they did. They knew damn well what they did: they put their thumb on the scale and they used their positions to do it. Retribution is not only warranted...but necessary.
Your little revenge fantasy is based on a mistaken belief that there's nothing protecting government employees from "the bull," which in this case is a new Administration seeking to exact political retribution based on lawful activities outside of work.
All this is conjecture, of course. The government has millions of ways to make the lives of the people it disfavors very difficult.
I'm showing you how it can be done.
If you think this isn't happening already...ask yourself this:
What's Tulsi Gabbard's status with the TSA?