Subject: Re: Notable Presidential Speeches...
There are obviously enormous problems with this - but what Democrats often overlook is how appealing it is:
We do not overlook that. In fact, you have precisely nailed the most unsettling aspect about Trump.
By voicing the lies and basest instincts that Trump voices, he enlists the basest instincts of those who lack the tools to resist his fulminations. He recruits them into an army that is fully on board with his agenda or are to weak to speak against it.
This is fascism in its elemental form. It renders followers incapable of hearing the historical arguments that spell out where this sort of message leads.
The violence, the revenge, the attacks and threats, the throwing overboard of objective reality…. become the point of it all.
We shall see in two weeks whether or not enough voters can defend the Constitutional order…. Or are willing to plunge this country into a nightmare that has been repeated many times over the course of history- some worse than others, but all of them, in retrospect-tragic.
And I am not speaking hyperbolically