Subject: Re: Climate Change +Inflation Great for Insurance
" Or what some one pretends to have been told occured 57 million years ago."

Thanks for demonstrating my point.

You think it is a fact that scientists are pretending about what happened 57 million years ago.

I don't know what nuttiness led you to have the idea that we only know about climate for 175 years buried in your brain, but it is clear you aren't going to reexamine that non-fact.

You may speak a good game about only dealing in facts, but your actions betray you. This isn't the place to educate you though, especially since you aren't interested. You already have your "facts" (LOL).

"But in terms of this INEVITABLE path to self destruction… Jain and Buffett are now placing the largest bets of their long lives BY FAR: $10 Billion + bets Quarterly…on the OTHER SIDE of this speculative furor. Does it at least raise your curiosity that THOSE WHO ARE THE SMARTEST AT PROBABILITY analysis, namely the stewards of our capital, are willing to make every bet possible reasonably priced ON THE OTHER SIDE? Surely you must notice? Buffett’s advice to Jain last spring “keep writing!”

So, like Buffett, I remain selfishly hopeful citizens, states, municipalities, and other Insurers seeking to sell off risk tranches—continue to buy what’s being pitched as gospel. It’s been an economic bonanza to our bottom line. It’s making US rich. Reviewable annually. Actions speak louder than words. And the actions here are unmistakable."

Uh, this means exactly the opposite that you think it means. What does the fact that they (and all insurers) are raising their risk premiums mean to you? Insurers do not care if risk increases as long as they can increase the premium they charge for that risk proportionally. Insurers are more than willing to insure even the riskiest bets as long as they can be compensated appropriately. The fact that insurance premiums are increasing means risk is increasing.

It isn't like the combined ratio is increasing.

"Facts matter."

Indeed. So does proper understanding of them.