Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
Most sermons I have heard pick little bits from the OT, but mostly emphasize the NT. And then they cherry-pick that to portray Jesus as mild, meek, and even-tempered. Not much on "bring a sword", or going postal in the Temple, or irrationally cursing a tree. They also gloss over the bit that Jesus was expecting end-times during his lifetime (hence the "drop everything and follow me, give no thought for tomorrow" -paraphrased-).
I read all this, and I think: and....?
Then there's He insisted every word of the bible was absolute truth. and I think, if this part is true (He was otherwise a really good electrical engineer) I what's the problem?
And that of course leads me to the hilarious contradiction that is at the center of hardcore atheists.
They're the same as the religious folks they can't stand.
Life boils down to two things when strip away all of the noise. Wanna know what they are?
Treat other people how you'd like to be treated.
Live and let live.
Amazing how so much wisdom comes from The Bible (the former) and capitalism/common law (the latter).