Subject: Re: Harris Agrees to Fox 'News' Interview
WatchingTheHerd: * pick-your-own Tomatoes...
Hell, how about slaughtering your own chickens and cattle?
Tyson's meatpacker division employs about 42,000 immigrants among its 120,000-strong US workforce. “We would like to employ another 42,000 if we could find them,” said Garrett Dolan, who leads Tyson’s efforts to eliminate employment barriers such as immigration status or the need for childcare.
Tyson is also investing in retaining immigrant workers, having earmarked $1.5 million a year for legal aid services in 2023 and 2024 and providing paid time off for workers to attend court hearings. Last year, Tyson paid for 1,317 workers to become US citizens.
The migrant hires and other new entry-level workers receive on-site childcare and transportation, as well as English classes for those who want them. The company is providing its new employees from New York with temporary housing, a relocation stipend and paid time off to better acclimate to their new lives in Humboldt.
Gee, you guys better boycott Tyson; they love migrants.