Subject: Re: Those Pesky Iranians
>>Low expectations is no substitute for having good policies and plans.<<

It's your turn. Defend Trump's policies and plans if you're so fond of them. Where did I misstate a Trump policy? And if I did (and I certainly might have oversimplified a bit) what is the correct Trump policy? Why is that a good policy?

It's time for you to do what you've been asking Harris (and Biden) supporters to do. Defend your candidate. - Petey


Changing the topic there, Petey.

Here is what you said, that I reacted to

I don't actually need to know what Harris' policies are, as each and every one of these is just plain stupid. Doing nothing would be better. It would be nearly impossible to do worse. - Petey

I did not mention Trump or his policies in my post. I was responding only to your admission of not needing to know what Harris' policies are...
Your lack of concern about her policies affords her luxury of not being expected to articulate and defend her policies.

I did not accuse you of misstating Trumps position although you probably have on more than on occasion.