Subject: Re: Judge Approves Smith's 180 Page Filing
But Smith's actual interest in the case is the proper discharge of the prosecutorial function. He's not supposed to be concerned about whether "information reaches the public ASAP."
With any other case, I would argue the same point. Call it the Comey Effect. Attempting to predict and rig the trajectory of a pool shot after five caroms rather than just focusing on making contact on the cue ball in front of you. On the other hand, every prosecutor in the country leverages the opportunity to communicate information about major indictments involving violent crime, drugs, public corruption, etc. These public presentations serve multiple purposes:
* they act as a deterrent to other actual or would-be criminals
* they confirm to the public that law enforcement and judicial procedures ARE working
* they can encourage cooperation from additional parties to aid in prosecution
In the case of Trump, the original indictments were filed over a year ago, well outside any perceived magic window of undue influence on an election. The fact that Trump fought for immunity to the Supreme Court and the fact that the Supreme Court waited to rule until the last possible moment for maximum delay then created a new Presidential protection out of whole cloth requiring the prosecutor to essentially re-file the entire indictment prior to an election is not Jack Smith's problem. The process had already started and if the Supreme Court is going to toss out key acts of the President, it is the prosecutor's right to re-share with the public a new indictment and any supporting evidence needed to justify re-filing the remaining indictment as they would have with the original indictment.
In short, as Judge Chutkan herself stated, any resulting "timing problems" regarding when information becomes public is not her concern given the age of this case. They are the defendent's problem.
At this point, the Trump case is different than any other prosecution in history because the defendent is running to win re-election to the top office in the land where he has been given sweeping immunity by a corrupt Supreme Court where he could not only terminate his own prosecution but further abuse his power to exact revenge against those who investigated and prosecuted him. This isn't just a hypothetical. He has PROMISED he would do this. Given the Supreme Court's flawed decision, the ability of voters to prevent this abuse from happening is the only viable vehicle left. The voters deserve as much information about the facts of the case as possible. If they still vote him into office, well...
Consult history for what happens next.