Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
And "plant more trees" is a distraction.

A distraction? You're aware that the famous Kilimanjaro receding glacier effect was caused by...deforestation, right?

But most CO2 is swept up by the oceans.

Actually, this is the distraction. Trees convert CO2 to oxygen.

The global warming community won't admit that if we were really having a CO2 emergency we'd be seeing an explosion of plant growth.

Then there are the forest fires resulting from dry conditions brought on -at least in part- by climate change.

Forest fires are a thing. It turns out, a very natural thing. But you know what's not natural? Mismanaging forests so that dry fuel is allowed to build up along the forest floor, making conditions ripe for fires that burn hotter, longer and cause much more damage than they would if things were managed appropriately (with selective thinning, clean up of deadfall, spot spraying for bugs and proscribed burns).

The cost of cattle isn't just emitted methane. It has all sorts of effects which would have to be factored into the "final cost".

And here it is, the hidden agenda. We have to stop eating meat because of the "Hidden cost". Have a plate of bugs instead and wash it down with some Soylent Green.

I saw frozen "mang da na" in an Asian market a while back. (It's Thai for "roach".)

Heh. Asian cuisine has featured bugs for eons. Go travel over there and go a non-gringo restaurant; you'll see some eye-opening stuff.