Subject: Re: Trump: No Federal Income Taxes for...
Hello preacher Bill..
I believe that is actually happening, but of course the left denies it.
Well I searched and there were cases of animal abuse, one old man climbing a tree and yelling dogs and cats were possessed by the devil, but nothing about your story. Please find it.
Stories like Springfield cats and dogs abound in my youth but seemed apocryphal. Some cultures do eat dogs and I have nothing really against it. Just don't steal someone's pets.
In the PI dog is eaten as finger food in bars in some small areas. People also do eat the dog at feasts, and some cook it with blowtorches. An ex-friend of mine showed me pictures of the preparation at one of his feasts.
I really don't care what you "believe" as that is just self serving, show us what you can prove. Can you even prove your Manitowoc statement?