Subject: ILA's Daggett Planned Strike in July 2023
Here was ILA president Harold Daggett over a year ago planning today's strike:
"This foreign company, Maersk, tries to shove its fully automated terminals down our throats, and for what reason? To eliminate good paying American jobs, ILA jobs, and where is our government in all this? President Biden declares he wants to protect American companies, pay decent wages America. How can this administration allow foreign companies like Maersk, and other foreign companies, to get away with this?
Mark my words: there's gonna be an explosion and the ILA and dockers around the world are going to light the fuse."
Daggett sure sounds like a Team Trump guy despite the fact that Biden has been pro-union his entire political life, and walked the picket line alongside union members, while Trump holds rallies with fake union actors and wouldn't piss on a teamster if he was on fire.