Subject: Re: For the debate
But that's not her plan. She's relying on the viral YASS KWEEN girlboss moment; that's why the muted mics are a big problem for her.

Perhaps it's not her plan. I can only say what I think she should do, not control what she will do.

That said, she can (and should) have multiple things she wants to get done in the debate. I'm sure she'd like to provoke some sort of outrageous response from Trump, if she can - needle him while he's talking. As a prosecutor, I'm sure she thinks that she can rattle an opponent during a debate (though I personally am not so sure the skills translate). That certainly would have been a worthwhile goal while she wasn't the speaker.

But overall, I think her top goal should be to use the debate as a platform for promoting her theory of her Presidency. That's something you can do in a 90-minute debate, which you can't really do with ads. Many voters say they want to know more about what she would do as President, and I think that this is one of her best chances to meet that head on.