Subject: Law and Order Month Continues
The Law and Order Oil Driller Democrats are on full display.
Profitable Big Defense weapons hammer away at them Commie Soviets while Ukrainians die and middle class Russians still can't gave a Big Mac.
Bibi continues to kick some ass.
Gavin refusing to give stolen land back to descendants of slaves,,,,,but Gavin is passing laws to go after the retail theft mobs that the 'defund the police' 401K'ers were saying isn't that big a deal on TMF. It's good Gavin doesn't have time to give non-white people their family's land back.....but he has time to pas laws that many times will target black and brown defendants who had no choice but to turn to a life of theft and crime.
But then again he sees Harris: She put black people away behind bars and in return, her masters gave her the Presidential Nomination.
And all this goes on while there's record drilling for Fossil Fuels.
FOX news and the Koch brothers should get behind their true soulmates: Democrats in 2024.
When John Lennon said 'Imagine' - all of the above is what you aspired to.
Congratulations on a life of meaning and consequence.
Idea: Why not have daily prayers where you all bow and face the direction New York City? It would be the 2nd prettiest Azan in the world. A bunch of Liberals chanting "Goldman Akbar......"