Subject: Re: Another Day Another Shooting...
I gave a load of data also.

No, you give a couple of anecdotes. That is not 'data'. Data is when you look at collections of anecdotes, like you saying 'cities are hell holes of violence' or whatever it was. (I'm on an iPad, hard to toggle between screens.)

Mike Pence just made similar claims, but as it turns out several cities in Indiana have higher murder rates than New York, per capita. 'Per Capita' is the only way to measure, obviously, because NY has 10,20,30 times the population of Indiana cities, so of course there will be more murders in toto in New York.

And, for that matter, if you look at gun deaths per capita it becomes clear that the southern states (highly conservative, some of the laxest gun safety laws) have far higher rates of gun deaths than northern, more liberal states. But you would rather tell us about there one kid who got shot when he went to school in Poughkeepsie than deal with the relevant statistical differences.

It's a common technique of argumentation, but that doesn't mean anyone here is fooled by it.

PS: 'Shouting down the transgender lady or guy, whoever' hardly compares with 'clearing the library of any book any conservative complains about', but you won't engage with that either. Both are wrong, but you only write about one of them. We're highly aware of your slanted take on that too, as well as most other issues, which is why you found yourself shouting to yourself instead of convincing anyone (who isn't already convinced) of your point of view.