Subject: Re: Trump Threatens Zelenski
No, it doesn't. While the value of that deal is uncertain, there's no possibility that it's valuable enough to meaningfully affect the U.S.' decision to commit military forces to defend Ukraine against Russia.

Anywhere on the globe where the US has a significant economic interest the US will act as a partner to preserve said economic interest.

No, it doesn't explicitly say 'this is a security guarantee'. That's where the term 'de facto' comes in: at no point was the Ukraine ever going to be made a member of NATO.

I mean, Trump was willing to throw it away in an instant in reaction to his displeasure over today's event - so it isn't something even he felt was all that important.

Sigh. If Zelensky is willing to grandstand, pout and preen TODAY in the friendliest of environments, what do you think he'd be willing to do in front of the Russians? Trump was right to throw his a$$ out of there. When he's ready to behave then it's time to meet with Putin and hammer out terms.

BTW, today's episode was very likely how Zelensky treated Biden.