Subject: Re: The Berkshire Problem
And by extension if it's good enough for BRK, it's good enough for us. Who needs Berkshire to exist?

For any who might of missed it, my comment above was sarcasm. And "reductio ad absurdum".

Berkshire is better at capital allocation than I am, and probably a lot better than most of us are.
They exist, and earn their existence, thereby.

In general we can't do what they do, and it's probably not going to work out well if we try to tell them what to do.
Like giving up on cash and holding an index fund which (yes) would have higher long run returns, but also remove the ability to write very big cheques reliably on short notice in case of elephant opportunities or nuclear explosion claims.

We don't need, and don't want, Berkshire to be an index fund.
