Subject: Re: OT, out
"Trolling (Governor Trudeau, 51st state, etc.) is not the same as intent and even farther away from action. To determine the extent to which the situation has materially changed, more evidence is needed which will only become available after more time passes."
With all due respect it's a lot more than calling him Governor Trudeau and referring to Canada as the 51st state. An unprovoked trade war has already been started (by us) and he has openly talked about absorbing Canada while also threatening the sovereignty of Greenland and Panama. While I certainly agree about not panicking I don't need more evidence that the US is not in good moral standing on this issue. I would also argue that Trump's supporters have long ignored and excused his "trolling" while he continues to erode democratic norms. It doesn't feel like "trolling", it feels like he really means what he says!
"FWIW, my input to those contemplating changes is don't be hasty. There is no need to rush because whatever you think is going to happen, will not happen overnight. Whether good or bad, things always take a lot longer than you expect to unfold."
Again, I agree with the sentiment about panicking but when exactly would the good time be considering we have really good evidence that this administration has a fascist bent? They just openly defied the courts, Trump has mused about using military force against "the enemy from within" and has not ruled out military force against Canada, Greenland or Panama. It doesn't matter what our personal feelings are about whether he would use military force he has literally said it! So I would posit that considering this is an investment board it is the right time to start pondering the possibility of how to move assets or seek domicile in another country. As to when, I certainly don't have that answer either.
"Last but not least, many unkind and uncharitable things about the US have been said in this thread. I think that's not cool, especially for this group, which has become enormously wealthy (see Net Worth thread) thanks to Berkshire and America. I prefer Buffett's view of eternal optimism for America, while acknowledging it won't be a straight line."
This is really the only statement you made that I take issue with. These "Unkind and uncharitable" statements may not be cool to you but for a lot of us Trump's vision of America is what is unkind and uncharitable. I have no idea what your political leanings are, nor do I care, but free speech is a hallmark of being American so I don't think it's fair for you to tell us we should be quiet because we have "become enormously wealthy thanks to Berkshire and America". Two factors for sure but there's a lot more inputs than that. And I don't know what "enormously wealthy" even means. Much like beauty that is in the eye of the beholder.