Subject: Re: Inheriting a far more dangerous world
<<His successor as President will inherit a far more dangerous world.>>
I pretty much agree with this statement, but not for the reasons the absurd WSJ editorial board states.
The Biden administration has been only partly successful in mitigating the enormous damage done to global security by his predecessor, whose primary foreign "policy" was to seek every opportunity to monetize his position. Trump cozied up to autocrats and dictators, hoping to curry favor for future real estate deals and out of his pathological admiration of strongmen.
The "Abraham Accords" was a PR stunt, "negotiated" by his son-in-law--who is benefiting hugely from the personal relationships he developed with Arab autocrats and murderers.
As has been amply documented, Trump's Ukraine "policy" consisted of extortion.
Trump undercut NATO and undermined the confidence of our global allies in the credibility of US commitments.
The list goes on.
I'm no fan of SoS Blinken. And I'm critical of the Biden administration regarding its posture toward the Netanyahu regime. Happily, Biden is not on the ballot, and so we have an opportunity to do better by electing Harris. I goes without saying that a Trump administration would likely bring even more massive national security disasters than it created previously.