Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
And by the way, this is what life is like in Blue America:

A pro-Hamas heckler showed up to a pro-Israel rally. He exchanges words from across the street with a woman. At some point, the Hamasnik charges the pro-Israeli side and tackles a guy, driving him to the ground. The guy had said nothing to him.

During the scuffle, the Hamasnik gets shot in the stomach by the man he tackled, an Iraq War vet and licensed gun owner. After that the vet tends to his wounds and asks others to call 911.

But in true Blue Massachusetts: Scott Hayes - the man who was tackled - was arrested and charged with

-Assault and battery with a dangerous weapon
-Violation of a constitutional right causing injury

Let's recap.
You go to a protest, get heckled, then violently attacked by a leftist. You defend yourself.
Then the local cops show up and charge YOU with violating someone's Constitutional rights.

This is what you support. You should move to place like this to enjoy the fruits of it.