Subject: Re: To Be clear
"There were only a few dozen (and that's being generous) nutjobs. They had pepper spray and signs. Not automatic rifles. As you yourself admitted, the second this bloodthirsty, insurrection-y, violent mob incited by Trump to overthrow the government ran into Pence's protective detail it wouldn't have gone well for them." - Dope.

Ashley Babbitt got shot by the protective detail of someone (a Congressman, Senator, or maybe even Pence's detail). I don't believe the name of the person who was being protected has ever been released.

Anyway, Ashley Babbitt was the lead part of a violent, chaotic mob that was chanting death threats, beating police officers to a bloody mess, and physically destroying property in an effort to get into the room the protectee was in. Dope, BHM, and LurkerMom have all gone on record here as making a hero of Ashley Babbitt. There is a really good chance that they would also support the people who got gunned down by Pence's protective detail in Dope's hypothetical scenario above.

To this day I have never seen a post from any of those three saying Ashley Babbitt's death was no one's fault but her own because she CHOOSE to be part of a violent mob chanting death threats that wasn't supposed to be where it was and got a little too close to a protected person.

Dope, BHM, and Lurkermom have already clearly told us what type of people they are. Believe them.