Subject: Re: A reminder from 2020
How far we've fallen. In 1987, Gary Hart suspended his campaign after The Washington Post threatened to run a story about a woman Hart had dated while separated from his wife...etc, etc
Amen. I visited the graves of my parents and their best friends this afternoon--the males being WWII vets who put their lives on the line and took bullets to save the world from the very type of racist fascism that so many seem eager to vote in (and failing that, install by force and/or cheating)--and while I couldn't feel the earth shaking as they turned in their graves just yet, I suspect that if Trump wins and I go back, the ground will be shaking.
Theirs was a generation where personal sacrifices to create a better world for future generations was second nature and done seemingly without a thought and without conceit. Civility was a virtue and daily practice.
How far we've fallen indeed!