Subject: Re: Boom. The EO I wanted (healthcare pricing)
Though...hmmmm...[type type type]...Roosevelt used EO 9066 to order Japanese internment. Though, it was directed at the military. So, while it affected private citizens, it wasn't directed at them. That would be the distinction, yes?

Somewhat. EO 9066 was directed to the government (like all EO's, it's just the President issuing an order to federal employees, not a rule imposed on the general public). But the military implemented EO 9066 under a claim of Executive authority at first. Because the nation was at war, the argument was that the President and the War Department had inherent power to do these actions under their Article II authority, without need for Congressional authorization.

However, Congress quickly mooted the issue. Although the curfew/internment program began by EO, Congress passed a law in 1942 that ratified it and made violation of the curfew/internment a federal criminal offense. So there was both Congressional and Executive action, by the time they started imposing penalties for violating the program.