Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
It's not a religion.

It more resembles a cult. And climate science is far more politics than actual science; that's documented all over the place.

Enough energy is built into the system that we're headed for some nasty climate over the next century or two (at the minimum). We're already seeing the effects in the form of more powerful storms (e.g. where we used to get maybe one CAT5 storm per year with some years not getting any, now we get at least one per year).

And this is part of it. Cat 5 storms happen all the time...they just don't *stay* Cat 5 storms. They both gain and lose energy as they travel across the ocean towards land.

Why was Helene so destructive? Because its storm track took it over the slopes of the Appalachians, allowing clouds to hang up and dump more moisture. It's a phenomenon we in the PNW are very familiar with:

The current Cat 5 landfall pattern looks more like the 1930's:

We burn fossil fuels the emit greenhouse gases by the gigaton. The planet is huge, but it's not THAT huge. We are affecting it.

Want to make a difference? Plant trees. Lots of them. It's so simple.